This week at Mutant, our fish are becoming sentient.

Weekly Dev Update #71
Week of April 11, 2022

This week at Mutant, our fish have a mind of their own!? That can’t be right… Is it?

Well now I’m just worried.


Sometimes game development has its mysteries. Sometimes a bug happens and you don’t know what caused it and you have to dig for a while to find the root. And sometimes… things fix themselves. And that can be more alarming sometimes. But in this case, it’s actually more like finding life on Mars.

Our artist was setting up some new fish for our movement and “life” systems and one of them wasn’t quite behaving. The rig, the set-up, it just wasn't moving the way she wanted. So, like any good dev knows, sometimes you just move on to something else and plan to come back to it later.

Except when she came back to it... it was working. Consider us both impressed and spooked. Our fish are learning.

 We'll try to give a heads up if they start talking about world domination.

While we figure out what to do with our sentient fish, enjoy these short GIFs of some new fish in motion.


Since our fish are getting smarter, we’re also adjusting how they group and react around the world. We're sending them to schools so they can hone their newfound intelligence. What this actually means is that we’re adding new schooling/grouping behaviors so they can move around and interact with each other. Our goal here is to liven up the world a bit more so that the fish scatter when you sail by or when a nearby fish gets hooked.

No visuals on that this week, but stay tuned and we’ll show off more soon.


That’s all we got for ya this week. Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

Be sure to check out the Demo and share the game with your friends! Every little bit helps. You can also join our Discord if you want to share your best catches amongst our community, give us feedback, and get access to the newest test builds. We love seeing all the new faces (well, usernames) who are playing the game and we can’t wait to give you more!

As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3 If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can Wishlist the game on Steam, join our Discord or follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios.

Get Kaiju Fishing - Pre Alpha Demo

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