Chompy and Sparky

Chompy and sparky…


Hey Kaiju fans, this is just a short update to keep you all in the loop. We’re super hard at work on the Kaiju Fight right now. In fact we’re so dialed in, we sometimes forget to do updates (our bad, we know). We’re working on the structure of the fight (timing and flow, that kind of thing) and we think we’re on the right track. Stormcaller here will have a few different attack modes. One of which is a big old chomp attack seen here.


Another little thing we wanted to show off is some of the little touches we’re adding. Stormcaller here wields the power of lightning so we think it’s important for us to start nailing down some of the vfx you’ll be seeing in game. Here’s a sample of our recent work in that area

That’s all for now. Be sure to check out the Demo and share the game with your friends! Every little bit helps. You can also join our Discord if you want to share your best catches amongst our community and give us feedback. We love seeing all the new faces (well, usernames) who are playing the game and we can’t wait to give you more!

As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3 If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can Wishlist the game on Steam, join our Discord or follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios.

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