Gotta GIT to the office


We talk Git. And a trip to the office.

Weekly Dev Update #17
Week of July 27

Hello all! Hope your August is off to a great start. It was a quiet week for us so I wanted to just quickly talk about a change in our process and give an update on our office situation.

Today’s as good a day as any to talk briefly about a transition in our process. We’ve been using Unity Collab as the primary method of sharing our project between multiple people on the team for quite a few projects now. It’s worked pretty well for smaller projects, but as Kaiju Fishing has grown so too has our need to share a larger project.

At the turn of the Summer Festival, Collab started giving us a fair amount of trouble. It caused more than its share of crashes and ultimately became a hindrance on the progress we could make. When this happened, we made the switch to Git. It took a bit for us to transition, but it will be worthwhile given how much time we’ll save in the long run.

Speaking of a long run… Four months ago, Mutant Studios went into a work-from-home set-up. In the time since, barely anyone has set foot inside the office. This week, one of us bravely returned. To clean. The good news is that the office is exactly how we left it except with a thin layer of dust on basically everything.

To us, the pandemic has been a challenge to our processes and flow. We’re still working hard and communicating every step of the way, but it’s different. Something we miss very much is those face-to-face impromptu meetings, something where we can draw all step over to the board, someone can draw something on the whiteboard, someone else will take the pen and add something, doodle in a little detail - and then presto, we have a design for something.

We also miss going to some of our usual lunch spots near the office - some of which are gone and not returning. At this time, the lockdown in California is back on. This means that we won’t be returning to our normal office work situation for a bit longer. Mutant is determined to see out this situation and return healthy at the end of it all. But we’ll be checking in on the office in the meantime, just to make sure it’s doin ok.

That's all for now. We have more in the works and will share more as it comes. Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios and/or Wishlist the game on Steam.

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