This week at Mutant, we troubleshoot our technology. And we jump for joy!

Weekly Dev Update #31
Week of November 16, 2020

This week at Mutant… it’s a whirlwind of unforeseen technical shenanigans, And not the fun kind.

We’ve had a heck of a week. First, our artist’s hard drive decided it had seen enough of this world and took a decent chunk of work down with it. She salvaged what she could and will be picking up the pieces from there but it was a definite road block - if not just for the delay in being able to use her machine. The biggest issue is she’s been working out-of-city remote for a while and moving those older, large files from her work machine to her home one is a long process.

Then - the power went out. Spooky. We had a few storms drift through our neck of the woods and one brought some fierce winds and rain. This was enough to knock out our power during the work day for a little while. Now that normally wouldn’t be too big of a deal, but when our lead gameplay programmer went to turn his machine back on - bam, blue screen! He worked it out within a day or two, but still… delays are delays. We’re just about back to working on our usual grind now though.

The medium fish have their paths, the boat has it’s physics, now we just need to apply the “combat”! Here’s how the first attempt went…

A little… eccentric there, Clampjaw. We’ll be taking this week to tune down the acrobatics and start to link this kind of jump move into the movement and other attacks but thought this was a fun clip to show for now.

For now, that’s all. We have more in the works and will share more as it comes. Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

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