This week at Mutant, we took a holiday and give thanks!

Weekly Dev Update #32
Week of November 23, 2020

This week at Mutant… we took a holiday. Happy (late) Thanksgiving if you’re in the states. Happy uh.. Monday if you aren’t.

Since we only worked half a week, I think I’ll take this update to mostly talk about what we're thankful for as a studio. We’ve been at this for a few years now and we’ve seen our share of ups and downs. At the end of the day, I think we’re all grateful that we still get to do this as a way to pay our rent. So to anyone who has ever bought or shared a Mutant game, you’re the reason we can keep our lights on. You rock. <3

I know I’m also personally grateful for our team’s flexibility and resilience during this pandemic. We have an awesome group here so it’s always nice to hop into Discord and check in with people throughout the week. Each of us has dealt with different things during the year - mostly global pandemic related - but we've still made progress and I'm thankful for that. Kaiju Fishing is the biggest project we’ve worked on as a studio and the ambition this group has always impresses me.

I think that’s all for now. Little light on the content update this week since it was a half-week, but we’ll have more to share next week! 

Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

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