Weekly Dev Update #43
Week of March 8, 2021

You ever go to bike to work but the bike don’t work so now you gotta do different work and carry your bike 2 miles to get it

 to work but not to actually get to work


Me either. Unrelated, my shoulders are very sore.


Well, a lot. We have plenty in store this week on our end. We’ve got a new cinematic in the works, somethin’ relatively simple but it’ll showcase some new water effects and be a fun teaser for medium fishing. Store page updates we talked about last week but that art is still coming together nicely. On the gameplay side, we have a couple of exciting things coming through the pipes. The first is the UI update and addition of the crafting menu. From a story standpoint, we have a new set of dialogue in the works for our shopkeeper who will now also give some helpful fishing tips. And don’t forget about medium fishing!

The team is knee-deep in these features at the moment and they’re all larger tasks so they’re taking a little while to get right. I know it seems like I've been sayin' that for a while but that's sorta how these things go. Our aim is to time it so they all splash together in a massive wave of updates.


Outside development, we’re also enjoying the Kaiju-filled media month so far and are eager to add our content to the mix. Did you watch ‘Pacific Rim: The Black’ yet? It was a bit darker than expected and is going in a different way than I expected… but also it was really good. Still got Godzilla vs Kong on the way as well; I’ll give you one guess as to which side our team is on…

Bit lighter on news these past few weeks. We’ll hopefully be kicking into update overdrive in the next few weeks as our work starts bubbling into polished forms. We have some fun things coming to Twitter this week as well, so follow us there for more!


That’s all for this week. Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios and/or Wishlist the game on Steam. You can also join our Discord

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