Float like a... fish?

This week at Mutant, let's take a look at the latest fish!

Weekly Dev Update #49

Week of May 10th, 2021

This week, we’re recovering. Three of our squad got vaccines last week (all in different parts of the state, just coincidence!) so we were layin’ a little low. Sure it’s a little pain in the… arm, but we’re glad to do it. Mostly just made me tired for a day or two and everyone else seemed to fare similarly.


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… butterfly?

Sarah’s been workin’ hard on inanimate objects for a minute so we figured it was time to set her loose on another creature. This bright and flappy fish will be entering the tropical waters of our first zone and make use of the new fishing mechanics! Excited to see this one swimming around. If you wanna see more of this fish (and the other wonderful creatures from Sarah's mind!), there's plenty more to come...

All we've shown so far is the tropical zone... there's still two more zones to go so stay tuned!


That’s all for this week. Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios, Wishlist the game on Steam and join our Discord!

Get Kaiju Fishing - Pre Alpha Demo

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