This week at Mutant, we're asking our Discord to test a new feature: Crafting! Get in on the action!

Weekly Dev Update #67
Week of Jan 17, 2022

Did ya miss us? We’re back. We’ve actually been back in the metaphorical office for a few weeks now, but we were preoccupied with a nice little opportunity. We’ll talk more about that in the near future, but we think it’ll be worth our attention.

This week, we’re finally ready for the next phase of testing!


It’s been a long time coming but we’re finally ready to test our next major feature and we need YOUR help! First, a quick “what” and then we’ll give you the easy “how.” And this time around, we have a rewarding “why” too.

Kaiju Fishing is going to feature some basic crafting to make unique baits. These baits will give you small bonuses for your fishing endeavors and help you get rarer bites. This first wave of testing is adding all four crafting materials and a selection of our early-game baits. We want you to get them in your hand and see which ones feel good and where we can improve ‘em.

So now you’re thinkin’: “How can I help?” First, thanks for your interest! This process should be very simple.

Step 1) Join our Mutant Entertainment Studios Discord and get yourself an “Alpha Tester” role. Just ask!
Step 2) Watch for the Build post to go live on in our Discord FRIDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2022. This Friday!
Step 3) Play the exclusive build before anyone else.
Step 4) Fill out a quick and easy feedback form about the feature.

That’s it! You just gotta play the game and tell us what you think. As we test, we'll be rolling out to Discord first, then Itch, and then finally a bigger update to Steam with some of the feedback along with some other fixes after.

You’d be an integral part of our process but we know what you’re about: games. *Free games, to be exact! So as part of this process, we’re offering free Mutant Studios game keys to everyone who gives us Feedback. At the end of the form, you’ll be asked which Key you want from us and we’ll send it over ASAP!

The options will include any of our current Steam line-up, including: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gambling, Questr, and Astro Joust!


And that's how we're comin' back to the New Year. We've got big plans for 2022 and we're thrilled to have you along for the ride.

Be sure to check out the Kaiju Fishing Demo on Steam and share the game with your friends! Every little bit helps. You can also join our Discord if you want to share your best catches amongst our community, give us feedback, and get access to the newest test builds. We love seeing all the new faces (well, usernames) who are playing the game and we can’t wait to give you more!

As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3 If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can Wishlist the game on Steam, join our Discord or follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios.

Get Kaiju Fishing - Pre Alpha Demo

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